Monday, June 4, 2012

Flower to Shower

Pease Blossom - A flower less known unlike the usual Cherry Blossom which becomes known to us in the childhood while knowing flowers and then with the name of a polish brand till the schooling ends for the shoes with an ever smiling face of the world famous comedian Charlie Chaplin on it!

Moreover Pease blossom is a wonderful looking belle petallous flower in itself!
What this blossom is which I came across in a Shakespearian tale A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which is a magical character having abilities to know things even without being present there! This nouvelle world of technology has made each one a Pease Blossom with the aid of huge webs and networks to get the exact knowhow of everything in seconds without we being there!!

An attempt to convey and share with the aid of this same boon of modern world to get to share the things we feel, we admire, we know, we wish, get inspired.... view the changing pace of everything around us and adapting ourselves to it!

This space occupied on the web with this and coming proses is just a sincere effort unlike this blossom to share peace, contentment and a wish to connect thoughts bosom to bosom...