Thursday, March 7, 2019

Word 5: Diary

New Year marks the beginning of many things, new dreams, new accounts, new pursuits and above all, new resolutions.

One such very popular resolutions is writing and maintaining a Diary.

Yes Absolutely, there must be an amusing grin on your faces as this is what has been a too cliched resolution many of us have made and not followed. 😁😁😁😁😁🤣🤣🤣🤣

For me its just barely a month or maximum two that I would be a regular in writing it.

The interesting part though is watching the stationery stores and bookstalls thronged with a plethora of diaries before the beginning of a new year.

These days you find, different paper textures, handmade paper diaries, diaries with a pen holder,  a small lock and key, glossy lustrous paper and exterior, executive diaries, diaries with a nostalgic feel, with a planner, organizer and lots more....

The word has a Latin origin from the root 'dies' which means a day and the word 'diarium' which means the modern diary.

Diary is typically a person's heart poured out on paper. Introverts usually are found keeping a diary.

Writing down your daily experiences and events can be a tiresome task to many while for some its part of their emotional world which is usually not expressed.

Today Social networking viz. Facebook and Twitter  and also various blogs provide an alternative to the hard copy diary, where people write and express themselves.

One such thrilling account which shatters the ground below your feet at many points is the diary of a young girl Anne Frank written on the backgrounds of the  Holocaust (mass killing) of Jews during the Second World War in Germany.

This Diary has been a bestseller and it reveals a very young girls' view to understand the war conditions surrounding her, and her sensitive interpretations despite the dire situations she is trapped into.
It is a must read for any age individual.

This blog even helps me in one way to remind of my diary writing.

I have made this as my digital diary.

Not a regular though it helps me pen down my thoughts now and then.

Be Safe!
Happy Reading! 

Friday, March 1, 2019

Word 4: Zoo

Animal parks, Sanctuary, Menagerie, are all different forms of the word of our interest.

This word comes from…easy to guess right? Bingo! ‘Zoology’,  i.e the study of animals.
The Greek root ‘zoion’ which means ‘an animal’, forms the base of the word ‘Zoo’.

Zoos provide a rather safer and sound place for animals which would otherwise be not available to them in the wild. The animals here can breed, grow and are under good surveillance.

 The very famous Zoo in India and especially ‘Mumbai’ is the formerly known Victoria Gardens or commonly known as ‘Ranichi Baag’ (meaning literally the ‘Queens’ Garden’). Based in British era, in 1861, the garden now holds a different name but the older colloquial version and the garden is still on many veteran’s lips and hearts. This garden in its own kind is the oldest Zoo extant.

An interesting and very famous celluloid scene related to the Zoo is the one in the movie ‘Baby’s Day Out’. Many kids who are adults now from the 90’s might remember this movie and the hilarious scene to the date.  The Big King Kong threatening the three kidnappers and protecting the baby. Always memorable!

Wildlife reserves, Safaris, National Parks protect, nurture and conserve wildlife on a greater magnitude. Wildlife photographers love these places all the more for their passion!

Save Wildlife!

Happy Reading!